Thursday, February 12, 2015

The Chronicles Of Nicholis - Book 1 - Chapter 1

                                                             Chapter 1
                                                   Nicholis On Probation

It is six o ' clock in the afternoon. The town of Effingshires wheather alarm had been blaring rampid and he had no cable or a tv to watch to see what the emergency was,but he had kept an eye out the front door in case it was a tornado,though he seen nothing,just cars zooming by in both directions.
It was a new house,Eddy's house.The other house on Henry Ave was a domestic death warrant,it had forced him to move out and he was glad that he did,much so. Nicholis, sitting in the living room on Eddy;s old couch had been bored,Eddy had went with his nephew and his son to the farm where he had been working,had been gone for four hours,Nicholis had still waited for them to get back home. He had looked at the time calculating it down to one minute after seven. Only him and the hall light,the heater kicking on and off,the winter still around in the beginning of Febuary and had been warming gradually each day. This is going to be a-while,Nicholis thought, he was concerned a bit if they had not of broken down somewhere,he had worried they would be home late.
He stood up puzzling about his grade school and how they were so big on concerts and christmas songs and what there true meaning of obsession was, it did not help the fact that his school had talked about the city alot,specifically the southern area's, unfortunately Rudolph the red nosed rain deer always being the role he had played every christmas then, it had fitted the puzzle nicely, only his latter year girlfriend was nine years old and you get the picture,but he loved her and his love was not enough. The train had came through Effingshire just after his thought had subsided,it had blown its horn so the whole town could here,yet was clearly a carrier train and not a passanger's one, carriers do make less noise and they are smaller which require less attention to traffic stops.
A long nights sleep Nicholis had had,the next morning had begun at four in the morning,had been woken up to his friend eddy yelling at his kid Jeremy to get up for school,but was not long and they were in the car and gone,yet Nicholis had re-slept in until nine and charged his nextel phone and went to the library afterwards. The local library in Effingshire is a half of a mile of a walk,had been located down town near the courthouse and jail,was due north east and a cold walk for him,had been twenty seven degrees out. Nicholis at the library had logged in to his google account,had clicked on his blogging profile and begun writing into it in his book he was working on.

                                                       The Book Had Read
                                                     The Chronicles Of Arias
                                                            Chapter One

And,he had began adding to it. By twelve noon he was back home,had Eddy been home from work,had he not of asked Nicholis to go with him to help his buddy and cut down a tree,which he did. At one in the afternoon Nicholis had hauled pre- cut down tree logs to a pre-laid log pile in Eddy's other friends Josh's back yard about a hundred and fifty feet from his back door alongside a green chicken coop,had no chickens in it, when, about two in the afternoon were him and Eddy not of on the way home from that town Tipolche and were picking his son up from his elementary school. Nicholis had seen his nephew Joey and his niece Serina,they had recieved a ride too,had been in Eddys Jeep Wrangler,had there house only of been three blocks away,they arrived. There,did Nicholis not say his goodbye's,yet knowing he had seen them daily,had been at the same time exactly three pm,but not in saturday's or sunday's unless they had stayed the night at Eddys. Nicholis,though had of woken to another day in Effingshire, had had a cold,had recieve the night sweats fallowing the chills,took his medicine this morning. As for his thinking he had discovered his family when he was a little boy had worked for the FBI and were agents,well, his supposed step dad Thom was anyhow,had left Nicholis behind at the age of nine. They had left everything, had bought bran new,was because of an undercover investigation gone wrong and was not his fault. His family replaced now look to be his family,but, only he knows there not. Alot of deaths had happened,not all were completely real and were faked. Almost like a secret life and was kept hidden from the public eye. He had an illness and was due to stress. It was just that for Nicholis, was not nothing more, was he not thankful for still being alive.

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